Instagram Shadowban Advice for Cannabis Brands!!!

Strategies for Content Creation in the Cannabis Industry: Insights from the High Rise Podcast

Welcome to the High Rise Podcast, where hosts Erin and Derek dive deep into the intricacies of content creation in the cannabis industry. With over a decade of experience in social media content creation, Erin and Derek share their wealth of knowledge on navigating the complex landscape of social media algorithms, engaging audiences, and leveraging diverse content strategies. This blog post will provide a comprehensive summary of their insights, along with actionable tips for anyone looking to succeed in the cannabis content space.

Understanding the Challenges of Cannabis Content Creation

Algorithmic Suppression and Legal Hurdles

One of the foremost challenges in creating cannabis-related content is the algorithmic suppression by major social media platforms. Despite the legality of cannabis in various states, it remains federally illegal in the United States. This legal gray area causes platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to implement stringent policies that often result in the suppression or deletion of cannabis-related content.

Erin and Derek explain that these platforms' terms of service are often vague and inconsistently enforced. This ambiguity makes it difficult for content creators and businesses to know exactly what is permissible, leading to the frequent removal of content and even the deletion of entire accounts.

Navigating Vague Platform Rules

The hosts emphasize the importance of understanding the basics of what not to do when creating cannabis content. Explicitly promoting the sale of cannabis products, sharing precise locations, and including direct contact information are major red flags. Instead, content should be subtle, focusing on educational and informative angles to reduce the risk of suppression.

Key Strategies for Successful Content Creation

1. Separate THC and Lifestyle Content

One effective strategy discussed by Erin and Derek is maintaining separate pages for THC-related content and lifestyle content. By doing so, brands can mitigate the risk of content removal and run ads on the lifestyle page. A prime example is the brand Your Highness, which operates a distinct lifestyle page that complements their THC brand without directly promoting cannabis products. This separation allows the lifestyle page to thrive without the constant threat of algorithmic suppression, while still indirectly promoting the cannabis brand.

2. Effective Merchandising

Successful cannabis brands have expanded their presence through effective merchandising. Rather than merely creating promotional merchandise, they develop actual clothing lines that appeal to a broader audience. Brands like Cookies and Alien Labs are notable examples. Cookies, in particular, has transcended the cannabis community, becoming a recognized brand in mainstream retailers. By investing in high-quality, appealing merchandise, these brands reinforce their presence and attract a wider customer base.

3. Engaging and Educational Content

Creating content that is both engaging and educational can significantly enhance a brand's visibility and reputation. Alien Labs owner Ted provides an excellent case study in this regard. Ted regularly shares videos discussing topics like feno hunting and personal stories, which not only educate viewers but also humanize the brand. This approach builds a deeper connection with the audience and fosters brand loyalty.

Diversifying Content Formats

The Power of Storytelling and Audio Content

In an era saturated with visual content, Erin and Derek stress the importance of diversifying content formats. Storytelling and audio-driven content, such as podcasts, can be particularly effective. By sharing authentic stories and insights, brands can engage audiences on a deeper level. Thomas Yola's podcast, which features mainstream celebrities and thought leaders, exemplifies the potential of this format to reach a wide audience and build a strong brand presence.

Social Media Tactics for Enhanced Engagement

Creating content that sparks engagement is crucial. Erin and Derek suggest producing controversial or topical content that encourages comments and discussions. For instance, Puffco's videos featuring Jolly Roger cover a range of topical and sometimes controversial subjects, which often result in high engagement levels. Catalyst CEO Elliot Lewis's raw, iPhone-shot videos are another example. His authentic, unfiltered approach resonates with viewers, fostering a sense of community and trust.

Maximizing Content Distribution

Repurposing Content Across Platforms

Maximizing the reach of a single piece of content is essential for efficient content strategy. Erin and Derek advocate for repurposing content across multiple platforms. For example, a single podcast episode can be transformed into various pieces of content, such as YouTube videos, Instagram reels, TikToks, blog posts, and email newsletters. This approach not only amplifies the content's reach but also ensures consistent messaging across different audience segments.

Practical Tips for Instagram Content

When it comes to Instagram, blending high-quality visuals with casual iPhone shots can create a more relatable and engaging feed. It's important to avoid using product shots in thumbnails, as the platform's algorithms tend to favor human faces and more organic-looking images. Additionally, content creators should be mindful of AI and algorithmic sensitivities, using subtle hints rather than explicit product promotions to avoid content removal.

Understanding the ROI of Content

Long-Term Branding Over Immediate Sales

One of the common concerns among cannabis brands is understanding the return on investment (ROI) for content creation. Erin and Derek emphasize that content investment is a long-term branding strategy rather than a quick sales tactic. A well-curated social media presence and professional website can significantly enhance a brand's credibility and attract larger orders.

For instance, a client of theirs received a $50,000 order because the distributor was impressed by the quality of their content and website. This example highlights the importance of investing in high-quality visuals and consistent branding to attract business opportunities.

Hiring Strategies for Content Management

Effective content management often requires a skilled team. Erin and Derek suggest considering a hybrid approach: hiring a social media manager who is also capable of creating content, or hiring content creators to manage social media. This approach ensures a seamless flow of content creation and distribution, leveraging the strengths of each team member.

Conclusion: Adapting and Testing Content Strategies

The cannabis content landscape is continually evolving, and staying ahead requires constant adaptation and testing. Erin and Derek conclude with a reminder that the most successful content strategies involve a mix of high-quality visuals, engaging stories, and strategic distribution. By continuously testing and refining content approaches, brands can navigate the complexities of social media algorithms and build a loyal, engaged audience.

Final Thoughts

Creating effective content in the cannabis industry is challenging but achievable with the right strategies. By understanding platform rules, diversifying content formats, and investing in long-term branding, cannabis brands can successfully engage their audience and grow their presence. The insights shared by Erin and Derek in the High Rise Podcast offer a valuable roadmap for navigating this dynamic and often unpredictable landscape.

If you enjoyed these insights and want to learn more, be sure to check out the High Rise Podcast for more episodes on content strategies and industry trends.


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