How We Started Our Agency & Got Clients!

In the dynamic and rapidly evolving cannabis industry, many aspiring entrepreneurs and content creators face the daunting challenge of gaining clients without prior experience. Fortunately, the team at High Rise TV, comprising Derek and Erin, have developed an innovative strategy called "fishing" that has proven effective in attracting clients and building a successful marketing agency. This blog post delves into the intricacies of this approach, offering a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the cannabis market and secure your first clients.

Understanding the Fishing System

What is the Fishing System?

The "fishing" system is a proprietary technique developed by Derek and Erin at High Rise TV. It's a proactive approach that involves creating valuable content for potential clients before contacting them. This method helps demonstrate your value and understanding of their brand, significantly increasing your chances of securing a response and building a portfolio.

The Origin of the Fishing System

The concept of fishing emerged from the need to stand out in a crowded market. Derek and Erin realized that traditional cold emails were ineffective. They needed a way to catch the attention of potential clients and showcase their skills without relying on previous experience or a vast portfolio. Thus, the fishing system was born, emphasizing proactivity, creativity, and a deep understanding of the client's needs.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Fishing System

Step 1: Identify Potential Clients

The first step in the fishing system is to identify potential clients. This involves researching brands and companies you want to work with. Start by exploring their social media presence, particularly Instagram, to understand their current marketing efforts and identify gaps you can fill.

Step 2: Conduct a Quick Audit

Once you've identified a potential client, conduct a quick audit of their social media pages. Spend five minutes scrolling through their posts to assess their strengths and weaknesses. Look for areas where they might be lacking, such as the absence of video content, lack of lifestyle photos, or overemphasis on product shots. This audit will help you determine the type of content that would add the most value to their brand.

Step 3: Create Sample Content

Based on your audit, create sample content that addresses the identified gaps. This could be as simple as shooting two high-quality photos or a short, engaging iPhone video. The key is to produce content that is proactive, cool, and on-brand. Ensure that your content highlights the potential client's weaknesses and demonstrates how you can fill those gaps.

Step 4: Reach Out with Value

Instead of sending a generic cold email, reach out with a personalized message that includes your sample content. Highlight the strengths of their brand, point out the areas where they could improve, and present your content as a solution. This approach shows that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in helping their brand grow.

Step 5: Build Your Portfolio

Even if the potential client doesn't respond, you have still created valuable content that you can add to your portfolio. This portfolio will be instrumental in showcasing your skills to future clients. Over time, as you create more content and build your portfolio, you'll find it easier to attract and secure clients.

Benefits of the Fishing System

Increased Response Rate

The personalized and proactive nature of the fishing system significantly increases your chances of getting a response from potential clients. By demonstrating your value upfront, you differentiate yourself from the countless generic messages brands receive daily.

Portfolio Building

The content you create as part of the fishing system adds to your portfolio, showcasing your skills and versatility. This portfolio is crucial for attracting future clients and demonstrating your ability to deliver high-quality content across different styles and formats.

Word-of-Mouth Referrals

As you start working with clients, your reputation will grow through word-of-mouth referrals. Satisfied clients are likely to recommend your services to others, further expanding your client base and helping you build a successful business.

Case Study: Stone Road

One of the early successes of the fishing system was securing Stone Road as a client. In 2018, Erin reached out to 1,000 brands through direct messages on Instagram, offering to create content for them. Stone Road responded, and High Rise TV delivered a package of 30 photos and four videos for $500. This initial project, which would now cost around $4,000 to $5,000, helped build their portfolio and led to more opportunities.

The Importance of Adding Value

Show Genuine Interest

When reaching out to potential clients, it's crucial to show genuine interest in their brand and provide value from the start. Simply asking for work is unlikely to yield results. Instead, demonstrate your value by presenting content that addresses their specific needs and gaps.

Example of Success: Jean

Jean's story is a prime example of the fishing system's effectiveness. Jean cold messaged High Rise TV, expressing his admiration for their work and offering to create content for them. He immediately provided valuable content, which led to an interview and ultimately a job. This proactive approach and willingness to add value set Jean apart from others who merely expressed interest without taking action.

Building a Community

Engage with Local Events

Participating in or starting local cannabis events is a powerful way to build a network and community. High Rise TV's events during the pandemic helped create a new community in LA, bringing together like-minded individuals and fostering relationships that led to business opportunities.

Start Small and Grow

If you don't have a community in your area, start small by inviting a few friends over for sessions. As your gatherings grow, you can expand to larger venues and events, eventually building a robust local community that supports your business.

Challenges in Cannabis Marketing

Restrictions and Adaptability

Marketing in the cannabis industry faces unique challenges due to restrictions on advertising and social media. It's essential to be resourceful and find alternative ways to promote content and engage with clients. This often involves leveraging creative content and building a strong presence through organic growth and community engagement.

Real-World Examples

High Rise TV has navigated these challenges by focusing on quality content and word-of-mouth referrals. Despite restrictions on advertising, they've built a successful agency by consistently delivering value and maintaining a strong community presence.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence

The Impact of AI on Content Creation

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly influencing content creation. AI-generated content can mimic real voices and create realistic videos, blurring the lines between authentic and fake content. High Rise TV experienced this firsthand when Erin was tricked by an AI-generated Joe Rogan video.

Navigating the AI Landscape

As AI technology advances, it's crucial to stay informed and adapt to these changes. While AI can enhance content creation, it also poses challenges in maintaining authenticity and trust. Balancing the use of AI with genuine, human-created content is essential for long-term success.

Celebrity Cannabis Brands

Success Stories and Challenges

Celebrity cannabis brands have become increasingly popular, with figures like Mike Tyson and Ric Flair launching successful ventures. However, quality control issues, such as mold in products, highlight the importance of maintaining high standards and genuine involvement from celebrities.

The Future of Celebrity Brands

As the cannabis industry evolves, the success of celebrity brands will depend on their ability to deliver quality products and maintain authenticity. Collaborations with knowledgeable industry professionals can help ensure these brands meet consumer expectations and regulatory standards.


The fishing system developed by High Rise TV offers a proven strategy for securing clients without prior experience in the cannabis industry. By proactively creating valuable content, demonstrating genuine interest, and building a strong portfolio, you can differentiate yourself in a crowded market and attract clients. As the industry continues to evolve, staying adaptable, leveraging AI responsibly, and engaging with the community will be key to long-term success. Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or entrepreneur, the fishing system provides a roadmap to help you navigate the cannabis market and build a thriving business.


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