The best $500 we ever spend on marketing: Mr. Weedy

Welcome back to another episode of the High Rise Podcast! This week, your hosts Erin and Derek are here to dive deep into the world of content curation and marketing strategies for 2024. As digital content continues to dominate our lives, understanding the art of creating and distributing content is more crucial than ever. Let's explore how to maximize the reach and impact of your content in today's fast-paced digital landscape.

The Art of Content Curation

Creating content is undoubtedly an art form. Just like a cultivator meticulously grows and cures flowers, content creators must not only produce high-quality content but also strategically distribute it. It's not enough to create something amazing and expect it to go viral on its own. You need a well-thought-out plan to get your content in front of the right eyes.

At High Rise, we've built our brand on the back of carefully curated content. Erin, our resident RZA (the conductor), orchestrates the entire process, ensuring that our content reaches its full potential. We've learned through experience that content curation is just as important as content creation.

Platform-Specific Strategies

One of the first steps in effective content curation is understanding where your content will perform best. Different platforms have different strengths, and knowing which format works for each can make a huge difference.

  • Instagram: Video reels and iPhone videos typically perform best.

  • Twitter: Text-based content often garners more engagement.

  • LinkedIn, YouTube, Websites: Each of these platforms has its own unique requirements and best practices.

Staying updated on trends and algorithm changes is also crucial. The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow. Keeping your finger on the pulse ensures that your content remains relevant and effective.

Maximizing Reach Through Collaborations

Collaborations are one of the quickest and most effective ways to expand your audience. Partnering with influencers and creators not only increases your reach but also adds credibility to your content.

For example, if you're launching a big campaign, consider collaborating with an influencer. By posting the content as a collaboration on both accounts, you can tap into each other's audiences, effectively doubling your reach. This strategy is akin to musicians featuring on each other's tracks or podcasters appearing on each other's shows.

Learning from Success Stories

One of our favorite strategies is reverse engineering successful content. For instance, consider the Amazon show "Pink Ladies," a prequel to "Grease." The creators didn't just stop at making a show; they maximized every bit of content by turning musical scenes into standalone YouTube videos and Spotify tracks. Even if the show itself didn't perform as expected, the individual pieces of content found their own audiences.

This approach can be applied to any form of content. By breaking down a long-form piece into smaller segments, you can distribute it across multiple platforms, increasing the chances of each segment finding its own success.

The Importance of Audience Engagement

Connecting with your niche audience is far more valuable than trying to appeal to everyone. Authenticity is key here. If you're genuine and true to your brand, your audience will respond positively. On the other hand, being inauthentic can backfire, especially if you've built a large community around a particular persona or message.

At High Rise, our skateboarding background heavily influences our content. We've drawn inspiration from skate culture, which has given us a unique edge in our marketing efforts. This authenticity resonates with our audience and helps us stand out in a crowded digital space.

The Role of Content Curators

Content curators play a vital role in bridging the gap between creators and audiences. They understand the best avenues for distribution and can see the big picture that creators might miss. This specialization is essential for successful content strategies.

Consider major content creators like Joe Rogan or LeBron James. They have teams that handle the business and distribution aspects, allowing them to focus on their craft. This one-two punch of creator and curator is a recipe for success.

Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

Low-budget, high-impact marketing strategies can be incredibly effective. For example, we started our brand by distributing stickers at skate parks and high-traffic areas. This guerrilla marketing approach slowly built our brand awareness and laid the foundation for our growth.

One particularly successful tactic was the creation of a mascot, Mr. Weedy. We designed a six-foot-tall weed leaf character and took him to events, creating a buzz and generating tons of content. This $500 investment paid off in spades, providing us with years of content and brand recognition.

Lessons from Our Journey

Our journey has taught us several valuable lessons about content creation and distribution:

  1. Branding: Always include your brand in your content. Our early mistake with Mr. Weedy was not branding him, which led to missed opportunities for brand recognition.

  2. Flexibility: Be ready to pivot based on audience reactions. We adjusted our approach with Mr. Weedy after realizing the power of selfies and social media.

  3. Experimentation: Don't be afraid to try new ideas. Some of our most successful campaigns came from random, out-of-the-box thinking.

Content Creation Tips

Here are some practical tips to help you in your content creation journey:

  • Identify the Right Platform: Know where your content will perform best and tailor it accordingly.

  • Reverse Engineer Success: Break down successful content into smaller pieces and distribute them across multiple platforms.

  • Collaborate: Partner with influencers and creators to expand your reach.

  • Engage Your Niche: Focus on building a genuine connection with your niche audience.

  • Use Guerrilla Tactics: Low-budget strategies can yield high returns.

What's Next for High Rise?

We have some exciting plans on the horizon, including potential international trips for content creation. Our team is gearing up for trips to Western Africa and Berlin, which will provide fresh content and new experiences.

We're also working on a new merch collection in collaboration with one of the dopest designers out there. Keep an eye out for new hoodies, hats, and more in the coming weeks.


Content curation and marketing are essential skills in today's digital world. By understanding your audience, staying updated on trends, and leveraging collaborations, you can maximize the reach and impact of your content. Remember, it's not just about creating great content—it's about getting it in front of the right people.

Thank you for joining us on this episode of the High Rise Podcast. Be sure to follow us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube, and Instagram for more insights and updates. Until next time, keep creating and curating!


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