Building LA's Biggest Canna Trade Show: Nam Tran (Network Show)

High Rise Podcast Recap: The Intersection of Cannabis, Community, and Culture with Nam Tran

In a recent episode of the High Rise Podcast, hosts Erin and Derek sat down with Nam Tran, one of the founders of Network, Good Fellas DRO, and several other ventures in the cannabis industry. The discussion centered on the challenges and successes of building a cannabis business, the importance of community, and the lessons learned from other industries like action sports. This blog post provides a detailed summary of their conversation, highlighting key insights and takeaways.

The Physical Toll of Cannabis Entrepreneurship

Nam Tran begins by discussing the physical challenges he faced due to years of driving up and down California to build his cannabis business. The constant travel, combined with the physical toll of past skateboarding injuries, eventually led him to seek out stem cell treatments to address chronic pain. Despite the hardships, Nam’s passion for the cannabis industry kept him going, making countless trips to small farms across California to build relationships and support the growers who have become the backbone of his business.

Building Strong Partnerships with Small Farmers

One of the key themes of the episode is the importance of building strong, trusting relationships with small farmers. Nam explains that 90% of the farms they work with are within California's Emerald Triangle, and these are often mom-and-pop operations with just a few acres of canopy. By focusing on these small, independent farmers, Nam has been able to build a network of growers who trust him and are committed to working together through the ups and downs of the market.

Nam emphasizes the importance of direct communication between distributors and farmers, ensuring that decisions are made collaboratively rather than unilaterally. This approach has helped both Nam’s business and the farmers he works with to survive the challenges of the cannabis industry, including fluctuating prices and market instability. The mutual support between distributor and farmer has been crucial in navigating the tough times that many in the industry have faced.

The Evolution of the Network Trade Show

Nam also discusses the evolution of the Network trade show, which has quickly grown in popularity within the cannabis industry. The show was designed to focus on the core relationship between brands and retailers, creating a space where they can connect without the distractions of music performances or general public attendance. The idea was initially met with skepticism, but the success of the first few shows, which attracted thousands of industry professionals, proved the concept was sound.

The trade show has become a vital part of the cannabis industry, providing a platform for brands and retailers to connect, negotiate deals, and build long-term relationships. Nam highlights the importance of creating an environment that fosters these connections, noting that the success of the show is a testament to the strength of the cannabis community and the value of the relationships built within it.

The Importance of Authenticity in Cannabis and Action Sports

Throughout the conversation, Nam draws parallels between the cannabis industry and action sports, particularly skateboarding. He notes that both industries are built on authenticity and a strong sense of community. In skateboarding, for example, it took Nike several attempts to successfully enter the market because they had to prove they understood and respected the culture. Similarly, in cannabis, brands that are not genuinely connected to the community often struggle to gain traction.

Nam believes that the current shakeup in the cannabis industry is a natural part of its evolution, with the market beginning to differentiate between those who are truly invested in the culture and those who are not. He predicts that the companies that survive and thrive will be those that are authentic, understand the market, and build strong relationships with their customers and partners.

The Role of Community Events in Strengthening the Industry

Nam is also involved in organizing community events like the Blunts and Birdies golf tournament, which brings together industry professionals in a relaxed, informal setting. These events, while fun and social, also serve an important role in building and strengthening the cannabis community. By creating opportunities for people to connect outside of the traditional business environment, Nam and his team are helping to foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual support that is essential for the long-term success of the industry.

The golf tournament, for example, is not just about playing golf; it’s about building relationships. Nam deliberately mixes up teams so that participants are paired with people they may not know well, encouraging them to form new connections. This approach has helped create a tight-knit community within the cannabis industry, where people are more likely to support each other and work together for mutual success.

Challenges of Scaling a Cannabis Business

Scaling a cannabis business presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining the personal connections and sense of community that are so important in this industry. Nam and his wife have had to navigate these challenges as their business has grown from a small operation in their garage to a company with 11,000 square feet of office space. Despite the growth, they have made a conscious effort to preserve the close-knit culture of their company by organizing regular team outings and making sure everyone stays connected.

Nam advises other entrepreneurs to grow their businesses slowly and steadily, rather than rushing to scale up too quickly. He emphasizes the importance of staying true to your long-term goals and not getting sidetracked by opportunities that don’t align with your core values. By focusing on building strong, sustainable businesses, rather than chasing short-term profits, Nam believes that cannabis entrepreneurs can create lasting success.

The Future of the Network Trade Show and the Cannabis Industry

Looking to the future, Nam envisions expanding the Network trade show into a week-long event, similar to major trade shows in the action sports and streetwear industries. He believes that the trade show experience should extend beyond the show floor, encompassing after-parties, dinners, and other social events that help to build relationships and create a sense of community. By making the trade show a more comprehensive experience, Nam hopes to provide even more value to attendees and help the cannabis industry continue to grow and evolve.

Nam is also committed to preserving the legacy of the small farmers and early cannabis pioneers who built the industry. He believes that these individuals deserve a seat at the table as the industry moves forward, and he is dedicated to creating platforms and opportunities that support them. By balancing the needs of the industry with a respect for its roots, Nam and his team are helping to shape the future of cannabis in a way that honors its past.

Conclusion: The Importance of Passion and Community in Cannabis

This episode of the High Rise Podcast offers valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities of building a business in the cannabis industry. Nam Tran’s story is a testament to the importance of authenticity, community, and a slow and steady approach to growth. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, there are valuable lessons to be learned from Nam’s experiences.

As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, those who stay true to their values, build strong relationships, and focus on long-term success will be the ones who thrive. The Network trade show, the Blunts and Birdies golf tournament, and the various businesses Nam is involved in all reflect this philosophy, demonstrating that with passion, dedication, and a strong sense of community, anything is possible in the cannabis industry.


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