From Medical Cannabis to Media

In a recent episode of the High Rise Podcast, hosts Erin and Derek welcomed Bill Levers, one of the co-founders of Beard Bros, a leading cannabis media outlet. The discussion covered a wide range of topics, including the origins of Beard Bros, the evolution of cannabis media, and the challenges of operating in the ever-changing cannabis industry. Here’s a detailed recap of the episode.

The Genesis of Beard Bros

Bill began by sharing his early experiences with cannabis, starting at the age of 13 as a skateboarder in Florida. He discovered that cannabis helped him concentrate and calm his mind, a realization that would shape his future in the industry. By the time he was 18, Bill had developed a deep interest in plant cultivation, which eventually led him to start growing cannabis on a more serious scale.

In 2010, Bill and his brother Jeff decided to pursue cannabis more commercially, relocating to Colorado before finally settling in Los Angeles in 2011. They officially launched Beard Bros as a nonprofit in 2013, operating under California's SB 420 model, which allowed for collective cultivation and distribution of medical cannabis.

The Shift to Media

As California's cannabis laws evolved, particularly with the passing of Prop 64 in 2016, Beard Bros found themselves at a crossroads. Recognizing that the new regulations would make it difficult for small operators like themselves to survive, they pivoted to media. The idea was simple: if they couldn't keep products on the shelves, they would stay relevant by maintaining a strong presence on social media. This decision led to the birth of Beard Bros' media arm, which has since become a trusted source of cannabis news and information.

Bill emphasized that neither he nor Jeff had any formal background in journalism or media. Their foray into cannabis media was born out of necessity, driven by a desire to stay connected with their audience and educate consumers about the rapidly changing landscape of the cannabis industry.

The Challenges of Cannabis Media

The transition from cultivation to media was not without its challenges. Bill discussed the difficulties of building a media brand in an industry that is heavily restricted by platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Despite these obstacles, Beard Bros managed to grow their following and establish themselves as a respected voice in the cannabis community.

One of the key strategies that helped them succeed was their focus on authenticity. Beard Bros was able to connect with their audience by providing valuable, honest information and by staying true to their roots as cultivators. This approach resonated with consumers, many of whom were navigating the same challenges in the post-Prop 64 world.

The Evolution of Cannabis Marketing

Erin and Derek asked Bill about his approach to marketing, both for Beard Bros and the cannabis industry at large. Bill explained that in the early days of social media, platforms like Instagram provided a level playing field for small brands. However, as these platforms became more restrictive, it became increasingly difficult to reach new audiences. Despite these challenges, Bill sees social media as a crucial tool for cannabis brands, particularly for those without the massive budgets of larger companies.

He also discussed the importance of building a brand with a strong identity and mission. For Beard Bros, this has meant staying true to their commitment to education, activism, and supporting small farmers. This focus on community and culture has helped them navigate the complexities of the cannabis industry while maintaining their integrity.

Expanding into New Markets

As the conversation turned to the future, Bill shared Beard Bros' plans for expanding their product line and entering new markets. The company has already established a presence in states like Missouri and Massachusetts, and they are exploring opportunities in Florida and New York. Bill noted that each market presents its own unique challenges, particularly when it comes to navigating the complex regulations around packaging and distribution.

One of the ways Beard Bros is differentiating themselves in these new markets is by focusing on RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) and other medical cannabis products. Bill explained that RSO has a long history of helping patients, and Beard Bros is committed to making these products accessible to a wider audience.

The Importance of Community and Culture

Throughout the episode, Bill returned to the theme of community and culture. He emphasized that the cannabis industry is not just about making money; it's about building relationships and supporting those who have been marginalized by the war on drugs. This ethos is reflected in Beard Bros' approach to events and their ongoing commitment to educating consumers.

Bill also discussed the challenges of balancing business and activism, particularly in an industry that is becoming increasingly corporate. He stressed the importance of staying true to one's values and using success as a platform to give back to the community.

Conclusion: What’s Next for Beard Bros

Looking ahead, Bill shared Beard Bros' plans to continue expanding their media offerings, including their popular Friday Sesh newsletter and live events. The company is also focused on growing their product line, with an emphasis on RSO and other medical cannabis products. Despite the many challenges facing the cannabis industry, Bill remains optimistic about the future and is committed to staying true to the values that have guided Beard Bros from the beginning.

In conclusion, this episode of the High Rise Podcast offers a deep dive into the world of cannabis media and the challenges of building a brand in a rapidly evolving industry. Bill's story is a testament to the power of adaptability, authenticity, and community in navigating the complexities of the cannabis world.


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